Tuesday, September 16, 2008

National Security

My pastor spoke again this evening on this, the third day of our "Hot Topics" revival. I was so energized by this session! The topic tonight was National Security.
He shared from Scripture the way in which Jesus said we should look at national security. He used the Temple as an example, and said, (paraphrased from Luke) "Don't marvel at the Temple, with it's gold and cedar and all its other fineries. It's going to be totally destroyed! His disciples asked when and what would be the sign. He told them nation would rise against nation. There would be wars and famine and your own family members will offer some of you up to the government to be killed for my name's sake! But those of you who endure for my name, will see Heaven. Jesus also said Christian persecution will come to all nations at some point. And then, in the book of Peter, He really gives it to us straight about national security. We have been called out and set apart from the world. We are a holy nation. A royal priesthood! (And here is where I almost jumped to my feet shouting Halleluiah! I say almost, because I had my grandson asleep on my lap! )
Anyway, Jesus reassures us, the state of our national security is strong because He is king of it! Our national security is eternally stable and strong due to the fact that we who are in Christ, are no longer part of any earthly nation, but a Christian nation! The German who becomes a Christian is no longer part of the German nation, but the Christian nation. The same goes for the Iraqi Christian. And the Russian Christian. The Christian nation does not begin after we leave this earth...we are already a nation, and every Christian from every tribe, tongue, and earthly nation now belong to the holy nation of God! They are closer to us in bond, than any earthly family member or any nationality of people could ever be! Is that truth not so awesome, it just makes you wanna go home and be with Jesus right now?!
Someday we will get to see all of those others who are part of this royal nation called out from the world. And when Christ returns, He will deliver His holy nation to it's proper destination, where we will come face to face with our King! Do not worry about the security of America. God has already determined it's fate. America is the greatest nation on earth, but in the end, it too will lose the real war.
Rejoice if you have been called out and are part of the Christian nation, because that's the only nation that's gonna win! Halleluiah!
I realize there may be someone reading this who has not yet been called out of the darkness and into His marvelous light. Take hope in knowing that God saves all who put their trust in Christ alone for the atonement of their sin, who call on His name for their salvation, and follow Him as their Lord. You too, can know what it really means to belong to that holy nation of God!
(Now if you are at all interested, please listen to these sessions in their entirety at: www.cayaf.org


Blogger Blisful said...

Great job on the blog, Nancy! Keep up the good work.

September 25, 2008 at 9:34 AM  
Blogger Nan said...

Hi blisful!

Thanks for the comment!
Blogs can be contoversial and they can invite a host of opinions! I accept and expect that! But it's always nice to see when someone is in agreement!

September 27, 2008 at 8:15 AM  

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