Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Running For My Life

A couple months ago, my daughter-in-law started a jogging blogsite. She was preparing to do a couple 5 K Runs (whatever that means) ! My idea of a run is 5 yards, then a much needed pit stop for tanking up on fluids and...dare I say, "catching my breath"? My other daughter-in-law had also been running and was excited about doing to do the 5 K Run. More women started joining this blogspot, all of them excited about this 5 K run! Personally, I absolutely detest aerobic exercise! However, their enthusiasm about these mini marathons was contagious! I started pondering the idea of had been many years since I jogged! But those words "5 K Run" kept haunting me. Could I do that? I started posting comments about my intrigue. From that point on, my daughter-in-law kept encouraging me to start running! I'm not as young as I used to be. I tried to convince her that my bones would break. "You're not THAT old!" she replied. So... one morning I put on my sweat shorts and tennis shoes and set out. I had to alternate jogging with a fast walk, beginner that I was. My first outing was half a mile, which isn't too impressive. But I felt so good... after I had finished hacking up phlem! That's how much my lungs needed cleaned up! The next day I jogged again. Over time, the ratio of jogging to walking became more balanced and some days I jogged more than I walked! I'm planning on doing the 5 K Run (whatever that means)! Not because of the challenge, but because I can not believe how good exercise feels! And there is a spiritual aspect to excercise, as well! For starters, we are God's workmanship. Psalms 139:14," I will praise Thee, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Marvelous are Thy works, and that my soul knoweth quite well". Romans 12:1, " I appeal to you therefore, brothers,by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship". My point here, is to stress that our bodies do count. Our body belongs to God. Our bodies matter. God doesn't demand our bodies because he ( as John Piper quotes; "wants models for Mademoiselle or Planet Muscle. He demands our bodies because he wants models of service" ). Excercise makes us more effective in serving the Lord! Charles Spurgeon said, “A mouthful of sea air, or a stiff walk in the wind’s face would not give grace to the soul, but it would yield oxygen to the body, which is next best” ! 1 Cor. 6:19,20, " Or do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own? For you were bought at a price; therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God's." These verses refer directly to those who are following Christ as their Lord. The better care Christians take of their body, the more able they are to carry out active Christian service, which is their primary purpose here. 1 Cor. 10:31 best sums it up, "So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God." ! These truths should dramatically affect our approach to exercise! We don’t ultimately exercise for the purpose of losing weight or so that we look good. We exercise ultimately, for the glory of God. We lace up our running shoes and pound the pavement so that we can serve God effectively for years to come. We lift weights so that at age 65 we can share the gospel with our grandchildren. We go to the gym so that we can lovingly care for our spouse for many years. Now do not go out and make a list of excercise rules and regulations that you now must follow! Change doesn't happen that way. Change is often synonymous with "process". The point is, to start!

So let me encourage my sisters to exercise. Not because it’s a good thing to do, but because God’s glory is the reward. Think of the future as you go out and jog today!


Blogger JanAl said...

Amen! To God be the Glory!

May 20, 2009 at 12:21 PM  
Blogger Nan said...


Thank you my daughter-in-law, for getting me started on something that has already yielded results!

Love you, Nancy

May 20, 2009 at 7:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"The better care Christians take of their body, the more able they are to carry out active Christian service, which is their primary purpose here."

When you put it that way...
I really need to get back into more consistent physical excercise because I don't want my body to be a hinderance when it comes to reaching out to others with the gospel! Thanks for the needed encouragment Nancy.

***yippee, I am finally able to leave a comment on your blog! :) ***

May 21, 2009 at 10:35 AM  
Blogger Nan said...

Hi Debbie!

Thanks for commenting!
Does this mean you're gonna join us on the 5K run?

Love, Nan

May 21, 2009 at 7:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

5 K run? Hmmm, whatever that means! LOL

May 22, 2009 at 12:45 PM  

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