Remember When
My mom is a widow and doesn't drive. Taking her shopping and out for lunch has been a weekly excursion for over ten years since my dad passed away. However, these past couple of years, I've been spending more time with her. Lately, she's been battling several health issues and needs more of my help. This particular afternoon, my sister and I sat with her at yet another specialist's office. Thankfully, it wasn't anything major. As we sat there together, I considered that someday, I might face similar health concerns. Someday, my own two children may be sitting in a doctor's office with me! Caring for our parents…what's God got to do with it? His Word has much to say! Romans 1:30, Colossians 3:20, 2 Timothy 3:2, and Ephesians 6:1, teaches that acknowledging the authority of a parent is very important to God! How about those of us who have long since grown and no longer under the authority of our parents? Proverbs 1:8, "Hear my son, your father's instruction and forsake not your mother's teaching” . If I’m wise, I’ll apply good teachings handed down from my parents , no matter how old I get! Proverbs 17:6 teaches that parents are the “pride of their children”. Role reversal! Exodus 20, the 5th commandment handed down by God commands us to honor our father and mother. For me, I have an opportunity to show honor and display pride in my mother, by meeting her needs, when necessary. There are times when I must change my schedule or get out of my comfort zone to accommodate her. I confess here and now, sometimes I’m just too selfish! During those times, I consider that the Lord chose her to bring me into the world. She raised me and loved me through my disobedience and disrespect while growing up. I also contemplate the fact that there may come a day when I will no longer be pulling up to her house and helping her climb into my van. When I will no longer be picking up groceries for her , sorting mail, helping her with prescriptions and doctors. Even more, when sitting with her in the park eating Wendy’s chicken nuggets, sipping coffee and eating donuts while playing 500 rummy, or doing all the other things that we enjoy together, will be only pleasant memories. When I’ll drive by the house I grew up in and remember… …remember…remember when. My mom’s days here are numbered, as are all our days. We can choose to see helping our parents as a burden or a chore. When I line my thoughts up with God’s view, I find that helping my mom is not only a privilege and an honor, it’s actually a joy!